
30 KJK Attorneys Recognized in 2025 Ohio Super Lawyers® and Rising Stars® Lists

December 17, 2024

KJK is pleased to announce that 30 of the firm’s attorneys have been selected by their legal community peers for inclusion in the 2025 Ohio Super Lawyers® and Rising Stars® lists. Congratulations to the following:


Steven C. Bersticker

Susan L. Friedman

Sarah Gabinet

Rob Gilmore

Jon Groza

Michael Hoenig

Ari Jaffe

Brett Krantz

Jon Pinney

John Ramsey

Susan Stone

Nathan Studeny

Kristina Supler

Matt Viola

Samir Dahman

Maribeth Meluch


Hannah Albion

Alexandra Arko

Anna Bullock

Samantha Cira

Michael Cantu

Christopher Herrel

Alex Jones

Janet Stewart Scalley

Kyle Stroup

Jeff Vaisa

Emily Vaisa

Andrew Wilber

Emily Korthaus

Demetrius Robinson

Super Lawyers® is a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. Attorneys selected to the list of Super Lawyers represent no more than 5% of lawyers in the state, while attorneys selected to the list of Rising Stars (attorneys 40 years old or younger, or who have been in practice for 10 years or less) represent no more than 2.5% of the lawyers in the state. The annual selection process includes independent research, peer nominations and peer evaluations. Super Lawyers strives to create a credible, comprehensive and diverse listing of outstanding attorneys that can be used as a resource when searching for legal counsel.


With offices in Cleveland and Columbus, KJK serves companies of all sizes and sectors, including Fortune 500 corporations, nonprofits, mid-market companies, small businesses, start-ups and other entrepreneurs. We are a full-service law firm built for business – and beyond. Our robust practice areas serve clients locally and nationally, with the combined experience of our skilled team of 50+ attorneys. For more information, visit kjk.com.