KJK Student & Athlete Defense/Title IX attorneys Susan Stone and Kristina Supler recently spoke with Law & Crime Network‘s Brian Ross regarding the case of their client, Damilare Sonoiki, who is suing Harvard University based on egregious...
SD Videos
KJK’s Student & Athlete Defense Group: A Holistic Approach
https://youtu.be/iDHiuHzlf2w KJK Student & Athlete Defense/Title IX Attorneys Susan Stone and Kristina Supler explain their holistic, team approach to Stephanie York on Forum 360.
Stone & Supler on Law & Crime Network: Has “#MeToo” Gone Too Far?
KJK Student & Athlete Defense Partners Susan Stone and Kristina Supler discuss the impact of #MeToo on college campuses with Law & Crime Network's Brian Ross. https://youtu.be/otcKeJKsLok
Milestones National Autism Conference: Title IX & ASD
Student & Athlete Defense Partners Susan Stone and Kristina Supler discuss Title IX in the context of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at the 2019 Milestones National Autism Conference. https://youtu.be/RK1E1Hg6igs
10 Tips When Facing a Title IX Investigation: Part 1
With allegations of Title IX violations on the rise nationwide, students and their parents need to know what to do when facing accusations of campus sexual misconduct. Here's Part 1 of our Ten Tips series with KJK Partners Susan Stone and Kristina Supler. See part 2....
10 Tips When Facing a Title IX Investigation: Part 2
https://youtu.be/_a7l1hX7KD4 With allegations of Title IX violations on the rise nationwide, students and their parents need to know what to do when they've been accused of campus sexual misconduct. Here's Part 2 of our Ten Tips series with KJK Partners Susan...