The US House of Representatives passed President Biden’s $2 trillion “Build Back Better” act (the “BBB”) Friday morning on a 220-213 party line vote. The Act now heads to the Senate, where Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) have expressed significant...
Elder Law
Nursing Home Restrictions Relaxed in Ohio
The pandemic has undoubtedly affected residents of nursing homes. For more than a year now, residents have had very limited visitation which has led to loneliness, depression and cognitive decline. Residents and their families or loved ones have asked for relaxed...
7 Steps For Creating A Long-Distance Caregiving Plan
Many families live apart and rely on travel to visit and maintain relationships. As parents and grandparents age, this distance creates some unique challenges when those loved ones require more care. We work with many families with this dynamic and these strategies...
Individuals With Medicare Can Now Appeal Observation Status
At the height of the COVID-19 crisis, there was a significant victory for individuals with Medicare as their source of health insurance. In a favorable decision, Judge Michael P. Shea, a federal judge in Connecticut, allowed hospital patients to appeal when an...
Caring for Your Aging Loved One: Utilizing an Elder Law Attorney and Geriatric Care Manager
As your loved one ages, navigating the planning process, medical system and Medicaid system can be overwhelming. An Elder Law attorney and Geriatric Care Manager can help you and your loved one plan for their present and future legal needs, care needs and housing...