

Will I Be Arrested?

  At least once a week, clients ask us questions along the following lines: someone filed a police report against me, will I be arrested? When will I be charged? Will the police come looking for me? I didn’t do anything wrong, so when will the police tell me the...

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Stark 101 for Physicians

By Kate Hickner A version of this article was previously published in Communique. Sometimes those of us in the healthcare industry become so immersed in the multitude of applicable regulations, and their evolution and ambiguities, that we need to take a step back and...

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New Resource for Ohio Health Care Providers

Ohio Medicaid Issues Standard Authorization Forms for the Disclosure of Health Information By Kathryn E. Hickner The Ohio Department of Medicaid (“ODM”) has adopted two standard authorization forms for the use and disclosure of health information, in an effort to...

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