
Complying with FLSA Changes: Gilmore to Present at Employer Health and Wealth Workshop

August 9, 2018

KJK’s Employment and Labor Partner Rob Gilmore will be presenting “Making Friends with the Fair Labor Standards Act: New ‘Employer-Friendly’ Changes and How You Should Comply” at the Employer Health and Wealth Workshop on Tuesday, August 21, 2018.

Employers are constantly grappling with new interpretations of the FLSA, especially given the most recent guidance set forth by the United States Supreme Court. In this presentation, Rob will discuss:

  • Proactive ways for employers to avoid the most common FLSA mistakes
  • Ways employers may prevent a potential FLSA class action suit
  • How employers should respond to the most recent Supreme Court decisions regarding FLSA compliance

Click here to register.

Hilton Columbus at Easton
3900 Chagrin Drive, Columbus, OH 43219
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
8:30 am – 3:00 pm
Click here for the agenda

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