The Ohio EPA, Division of Materials and Waste Management issued the following notice:
“The Division of Materials and Waste Management is making available for interested party comment two draft general permits for beneficial use — Spend Foundry Sand (used in several applications, including as a soil amendment and as general fill), and Alum Drinking Water Treatment Residuals (used as a soil amendment). These draft documents may be accessed here. When final, these general permits will be used in conjunction with the recently finalized beneficial use rules contained in Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3745-599, which will become effective March 31, 2017.
These new drafts have been significantly revised based upon program development and through public comments received throughout 2015 and 2016. The advantage to this posting is now you can evaluate the draft general permits alongside the final beneficial use rules under which they are being created. DMWM will accept public comments on these draft general permits until January 20, 2017. DMWM is also developing draft general permits for beneficial use of dredged materials from federal shipping channels in Lake Erie and for Biosolids Incinerator Ash. DMWM will be posting those for public comment in the near future.”
Here are links to other blog articles regarding Ohio’s dredged materials programs: