The Plain Dealer reflects on associate Melissa Yasinow and her involvement in the 2013 Cuyahoga County Election. Click here to read more.
“Melissa Yasinow, in her race for City Council in Cleveland Heights, might get votes from folks who value her youth (she’s 28), her legal experience (CWRU Law grad employed at Kohrman Jackson & Krantz) or perhaps pledges to develop business, promote sustainability and create a safe environment for residents.
Voters, of course, might value her opponents’ experience and ideas, too, as she’s in a field of six, with three incumbents. The top four win council-at-large seats.
She appears to be a slam dunk, though, for word geeks and linguists, the kind of folks who watch “Jeopardy!” The kind who would read this piece online only after playing a turn on “Words with Friends” or, if reading this in print, doing so only after polishing off the crossword puzzle and Jumble.
If Yasinow wins, the victory would create a perfect Election Night palindrome. (For those who did not pay attention in English class, a palindrome is a word, phrase, verse, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward.)
The Plain Dealer’s Grant Segall paid attention. He saw the palindromic possibilities right away and mentioned it to Tipoff.
If Yasinow wins, supporters can exclaim: “Yasinow won, I say.”
Don’t worry, there’s a palindrome for election losers, too: “Dammit, I’m mad!”