The internet provides many benefits for its users. From allowing users to have instant access to consumer goods to supporting platforms for social and professional networking opportunities, the internet has become an essential component in our daily lives. Because the internet has become so ingrained in our daily lives, maintaining a strong and positive internet presence has become a necessity. As we publish more personal information on the internet, we face an increased risk of having our personal photos and videos exploited by other internet users.
While photo and video exploitation can take many forms, we frequently assist clients who find themselves in the following scenarios:
Scenarios KJK has assisted with
- An anonymous internet user created a fake social media profile on Facebook that impersonated our client and used photos taken from their personal social media accounts.
- A business took a professional headshot from a client’s LinkedIn profile and published it on the homepage of their website, using it to advertise their services.
- A newspaper took a photo of a client and used that photo in an article about a social cause that our client does not support.
- Someone created a disparaging publication about a client on a shaming site which included their photo and personal information.
- Someone published or threatened to publish an intimate photo or video of a client that was intended to be private.
- A client’s mugshot was published on an online mugshot gallery for a crime that they were arrested for, but were exonerated from, or for a crime where the charges have been sealed.
Stolen Photo and Video Content Removal
Popular Internet Issues Related to Stolen Photo & Video Content
Online Impersonation
Online impersonation occurs when someone makes a social or professional networking profile purporting to be you. Impersonation profiles may use your name, images, videos, work product, and other personal information without your permission. Impersonation accounts can often be removed from the internet as a violation of a website’s terms and conditions; however, removing an account will not help you identify the person impersonating you. An online impersonator can be traced and identified through a combination of cyber-investigation and legal techniques which may include the filing of a John Doe lawsuit.
KJK has experience removing online impersonation accounts and can additionally help victims track anonymous online attackers.
Copyright Infringement
When an internet user publishes your original artistic works without your permission, this person is likely infringing on your copyright rights. Photos of you, including selfies, can be considered your original copyrighted work. However, it is important to note that not all photos of you are your copyrighted content.
At KJK, our attorneys can help you analyze whether you own the copyright to photos and videos that you want removed from the internet. If you do not own the copyright, we can help you purchase the copyright so that you can remove the targeted photos and videos from unauthorized publication on the internet.
Removing Revenge Porn
Revenge porn is the non-consensual sharing of a person’s private, intimate photos or videos. When revenge porn is posted on the internet, it is often published on a pornography site, but it can also be published on forum sites like Reddit or Tumblr. Acting quickly to minimize the spread of personal, intimate photos and videos is extremely important for victims who want to remove revenge porn from the internet.
KJK helps victims of revenge porn remove their intimate photos and videos from the internet, identify the anonymous attacker or attackers posting their content, and seek civil damages in a court of law.
Stopping Sextortion
Sextortion occurs when an anonymous online actor threatens to release a victim’s intimate photos or videos for financial gain. Sextortion is a form of extortion that is also commonly referred to as “internet blackmailing” or “catfishing.” Sextortionists are internet scammers who work to con victims into sending them money based on tactics designed to elicit quick, emotional responses. Typically, a sextortionist will threaten to distribute a victim’s intimate photos or videos to family members or employer; however, sextortionists can also play into a victim’s pity by claiming that he or she needs money to pay a bill.
KJK is experienced in stopping sextortionists from threatening our clients and can assist with content removal if a sextoritonist follows through with threats to post intimate photos or videos.
Additional Issues Related to Stolen Photo and Video Content
As the internet expands, so do exploitation opportunities. At KJK, we can help you navigate other non-traditional internet issues related to stolen photos and videos, including, but not limited to, the removal of mugshots from police blotters or online mugshot galleries. We are additionally experienced in negotiating for the purchase of copyright rights for takedown purposes, identifying anonymous online infringers and tracking down difficult web administrators.
If you have an internet issues related to photos or videos that you want removed from the internet, KJK can help. We are experienced in devising creative removal strategies for non-traditional internet issues.
Our Process:
How Does KJK Remove Photo and Video Content?
There is not one way to remove photo and video content from the internet. At KJK, we use a variety of legal and non-legal tactics to secure the removal of photos and videos. Non-legal removal tactics range from removals sent to community guidelines teams based on breaches of the terms and conditions of a website or the sending of an editorial request letter. Legal removal tactics can include sending cease and desist letters and copyright requests, or filing lawsuits to secure the court ordered removal of internet content. The best removal tactics for removing your stolen photos and videos are fact specific, but likely will include a combination of legal and non-legal tactics. An attorney can help you evaluate your options.