
New Survey Standards Take Effect On February 23, 2016

February 8, 2016
New ALTA/NSPS (fka AlTA/ACSM)* survey standards were adopted and take effect on this month on February 23rd.  The new standards replace ALTA/ACSM standards previously adopted in 2011.
“1. Purpose – Members of the American Land Title Association® (ALTA®) have specific needs, unique to title insurance matters, when asked to insure title to land without exception as to the many matters which might be discoverable from survey and inspection, and which are not evidenced by the public records. For a survey of real property, and the plat, map or record of such survey, to be acceptable to a title insurance company for the purpose of insuring title to said real property free and clear of survey matters (except those matters disclosed by the survey and indicated on the plat or map), certain specific and pertinent information must be presented for the distinct and clear understanding between the insured, the client (if different from the insured), the title i”
Below is a link to a redline of the changes in the new 2016 survey standards compared to the 2011 standards:


* The National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) is the successor entity to the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM).